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Tanmaya Biswal Avatar


I am a programmer and meditator. In programming space, I love to explore API design, Object Oriented Programming design and architecture. I am fan of Sandy Metz, Martin Fowler, and Kent Beck.

You can reach out to me through email, @biswaltanmaya or linkedIn.

In spiritual world, I explore how mind works and how we create suffering psychologically. So, I follow an Arhant, Perfectly enlightened and Blessed one the Lord Buddha. Buddha’s Teachings deal mainly with the way the human mind works and the relationship between the mind and body. He gave 84000 discourse on human mind and how one can transcend suffering and attain permanent peace. I love his below quote:

Mind is a forerunner of all actions.
All deeds are led by mind, created by mind.
If one speaks or acts with corrupt mind,
suffering follows,
As the wheel follows the hoof of an ox pulling a cart.

Mind is the forerunner of all actions.
All deeds are led by mind, created by mind.
If one speaks or acts with a serene mind,
happiness follows,
As surely as one’s shadow.
